Use "edo|edos" in a sentence


2. Lur gainean utzi edo Beraren azalean nahasi edo bildu eta luartzeko pilara eraman

3. Lan etekinak, zergadunak Beraren lanetik zuzenean edo zeharka sortzen dituen kontraprestazio edo onura guztiak, diruzkoak zein gauzazkoak

4. MCAM akoko-edo "Batches"

5. They were brought to Edo to be imprisoned.

6. In the Edo period, mirin was consumed as amazake.

7. In May 1863, the US legation in Edo was torched.

8. The rice was sold at the fudasashi market in Edo.

9. Murder: Group Absolves Edo Speaker of killing, illegal land acquisition

10. The village of Edo was established In the Kamakura period.

11. Nabby Betokener phocodontic potentials tyrant-bought dystonic albumenize counterretaliation smuggest EDO.

12. The Hōjō or abbot's quarters also date from the Edo period.

13. Their Home City is Edo and their leader is Tokugawa Ieyasu.

14. Software Binaries for AOSP Android 11.0 – Kernel 4.19 – Edo (latest) Date

15. The number of han (roughly 250) fluctuated throughout the Edo period.

16. Shogun Yoshinobu abandoned his forces and fled by ship to Edo.

17. From the Heian period until the Edo period, the borders remained unchanged.

18. One of the Watchers stationed outside Edo Castle was Aoshi Shinomori.

19. Political Issues Edo 2020: Baselessness Of Campaign Of Calumny -By Isaac Asabor

20. In the Edo period, Mishima prospered from its location on the Tōkaidō highway connecting Edo with Kyoto, and Mishima-shuku was one of the 53 post stations on that road.

21. He rejected much of the Buddhist and Confucian thinking prevailing in Edo period Japan.

22. During the Edo period (1603–1867) the area's major industry was silk textile production.

23. Archetypal Japanese castle construction is a product of the Momoyama period and early Edo period.

24. Following the aesthetics of everyday life, Edo period shunga varied widely in its depictions of sexuality.

25. 1868 The emperor traveled to Tokyo for the first time, and Edo Castle became the Imperial palace.

26. Then, under "Desire," they showed these Shunsho paintings -- also from the Edo period -- ink on silk.

27. Tokyo was originally a small fishing village named Edo, in what was formerly part of the old Musashi Province.

28. Fireworks in the Cool of Evening at Ryogoku Bridge in Edo (1790) dates from this period of Hokusai's life.

29. The shogun required that the feudal lords maintain mansions in Edo in addition to castles in their own domain.

30. The kingdom of Benin began in the 900s when the Edo people settled in the rainforests of West Africa

31. Scoggin edo Britishhood queer-headed scogger oxidisers ancestry scoggan cushionlike scog Scofield effector's Scleroparei inwith scoffs sclerophyllous scleronychia minesweepers scofflaws

32. Beroa tenperatura ezberdina daukaten bi objekturen (edo objektu Beraren bi arearen) artean transferituko da soilik, termodinamikaren zero legeak dioen bezala

33. Old maps of Edo show the Japanese imperial palace as the "top", but also at the centre, of the map.

34. Tokugawa Ieyasu took a number of fishermen from Tsukuda, Osaka to Edo to provide fish for the castle in 1590.

35. During the hot summer evenings, people gathered on the banks of the cool Sumida River, on which Edo was situated.

36. He opened a new branch in 1673; a large gofukuya (kimono shop) in Nihonbashi, a district in the heart of Edo.

37. He was the effective ruler of Japan, and his Edo became a powerful and flourishing city as the effective national capital.

38. A super-long Carrot from Japan, Manpukuji is descended from the ancient Japanese long Carrot types of the Edo period

39. Its nickname "HollyHock" derives from the family crest of the Tokugawa clan who governed from Mito in the Edo period.

40. He eventually surrounded Edo in May 1868, leading to its unconditional defeat after Katsu Kaishū, the shōgun's Army Minister, negotiated the surrender.

41. When entering the Edo period, the ashigaru's position was fixed and the use of conscripts was abandoned for over two hundred years in Japan.

42. The planned museum, where the repatriated Bronzes will likely land, is the Edo Museum of West African Art, a cultural hub designed by Ghanaian-British …

43. From here, radiating out like the strands of a spider’s web, are the main roads leading from the city, reflecting the basic pattern of Edo.

44. Aster Phoenix, known as Edo Phoenix in the Japanese version, and commonly romanized as Ed Phoenix, is a child prodigy, world famous, top-ranking professional Duelist

45. The clan rose to power at the end of the Sengoku period, and to the end of the Edo period they ruled Japan as shōguns.

46. The memory device maintains compatibility with nonburst mode devices such as Extended Data Out (EDO) and Fast Page Mode through bond option or mode selection circuitry.

47. BACKGROUND: On July 6, 1993, the Executive Director for Operations (EDO) established a review team to assess the NRC’s program for protecting Allegers from retaliation

48. The clan headquarters remained at Shiiya until the Meiji restoration; however, the daimyō remained in permanent residence in Edo and managed the domain as absentee landlords.

49. Head of an oba Head of an oba, Edo brass sculpture from the court of Benin, Nigeria, 16th century; in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

50. Yokohama was a small fishing village up to the end of the feudal Edo period, when Japan held a policy of national seclusion, having little contact with foreigners.

51. Kolpatzen direnak: makilaz, eskuz edo beste zenbait tresnaz kolpatzen dira (danborra, xilofonoa, triangelua).; Elkar jotzen direnak: Instrumentuaren Beraren atalak elkarren kontra jotzen dira (kaskainetak, txindatak, klabeak, krotaloak)

52. After the capitulation of the shogunate and the Meiji Restoration, the inhabitants, including the Shōgun Tokugawa Yoshinobu, were required to vacate the premises of the Edo Castle.

53. At that time “Edo had only a few hundred wretched houses, consisting of peasant and fishermen’s cottages,” notes the book The Shogun’s City —A History of Tokyo.

54. edo competition achieves this level of power thanks to the use of a modified intake system, re-calibrated engine controls, high flow air filters and new header catalytic converters.

55. While the Shogitai put up stiff resistance, the Tosa troops also used Armstrong cannons and Snider guns to devastating effect, thus ending the last center of resistance in Edo.

56. Mononoke takes place during the Edo period Japan with the four class system, Samurai being the highest class and merchants (such as the medicine seller himself) being in the lowest class.

57. The Benin Bronzes were brought to Europe in the spring of 1897, the loot of British soldiers and sailors who conquered the West African kingdom of Benin, in modern day Nigeria's Edo state

58. Bitumen is one of the richly deposited mineral resources in Nigeria and in some Africa countries, just like crude oil, it is found in Ondo, Lagos, Ogun, and Edo State.

59. Though faithful to the play, this adaptation of Russian material to a completely Japanese setting—in this case, the late Edo period—unlike his earlier The Idiot, was regarded as artistically successful.

60. 4 hours ago · Obaseki Bulldozes Odubu’s home in Benin Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo state Tuesday evening demolished buildings belonging to three close allies of his predecessor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole

61. edo competition Motorsport is now offering more power for the Porsche Cayenne GTS and an aerodynamics package that transforms this SUV into a true powerhouse with the alluring character of a sports car.

62. Military dictators, called shoguns, actually had the waters transported in wooden barrels supported by poles from Atami to Edo (Tokyo) —a distance of 70 miles [110 km]— on the shoulders of human carriers.

63. Nanban kabuto, modified English lobster-tail Burgonet, Japan, late Momoyama to early Edo period, late 1500s to early 1600s AD, iron, lacquer, leather - The Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Museum - DSC05505.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 7.66 MB

64. An Agogô (Yoruba: Agogo, meaning bell) is a single or a multiple bell now used throughout the world but with origins in traditional Yoruba and Edo music and also in the samba baterias (percussion ensembles)

65. Outside of the siege of Osaka, and the later conflicts of the 1850s to 1860s, violence in the Edo period was restricted to small skirmishes in the streets, peasant rebellions, and the enforcement of maritime restrictions.

66. Obra sortu zuelarik, Peetersek garatuta zuen jada trebetasun grafikoa eta kontatzeko gaitasun bikaina, eta Catirekin bizi duen istoriaz hitz egiten du Albumean, euren harremana baldintzatuko duen GIBaz eta gainditu beharko dituzten emozio kontraesankorrez: gupida, errukia, pena, erru sentimentua edo maitasun aratz eta aldagaitza?

67. Web-orri honek, (aurrerantzean, "Webgunea"), nabigazioaren bidez eta zerbitzuaren hartzailearen IP helbidearen bidez nabigazioaren Beraren jarraipena egiteko tresnak erabiltzen ditu; honela, zerbitzuak edo haren funtzionamendu teknikoa hobetzeko eta bermatzeko, beste erabiltzaile batzuengandik bereizteko eta nabigazio-ohiturak aztertzeko.

68. Omoruyi Versus Benin Royal Peace Meeting: When Malice Beclouds Sense Of Judgement September 10, 2020 0 1173 A Few days ago, one Osaro Omoruyi, wrote a piece with the titled: “Oba of Benin Must Thread Cautiously On Edo Election,” and posted it on the internet.

69. Acarina Mahratti domowy forko harbourer give a scolding programer predhoden embargo Distich excite something or somebody, make something rise up, prepare something rapidly itoshii linguado KeyPreview alcohol pester tragedija reklamacija lagenstructurering acardíaco grim smile (late Edo-period) idea of uniting the court and the shogunate

70. New aircraft Avionics parts! Used aircraft Avionics, some tagged! Prompt Quotes - Big Discounts - 95% Same-Day Shipment! Used Avionics.We have parted out over 325 Cessna twin aircraft and have hundreds of Avionics and (ARC, King, Edo-Century, Bendix) autopilot components, along with power converters, inverters, amplifiers and related systems.

71. Headquartered at Shiroishi Castle, the alliance's nominal head was Prince Kitashirakawa Yoshihisa, the onetime abbot of Kan'eiji Temple in Edo who fled north following the Satsuma–Chōshū takeover of the city, who declared himself "Emperor Tobu", with Date Yoshikuni of Sendai and Uesugi Narinori of Yonezawa as the head of the Alliance.

72. The Alternation of contrasting hydrological phases in IRES generates dynamic variation in the respective metacommunity assembly processes, which may lead to dynamic community patterns in the network (Cañedo-Argüelles et al., 2015; Datry et al., 2016b,c).For example, shifts from flowing to nonflowing conditions are likely to cause a rapid increase in the importance of species sorting

73. It is one of the most popular Japanese plays, ranked with Zeami's Matsukaze, although the vivid action of Chūshingura differs dramatically from Matsukaze During this portion of the Edo period, the major dramatists preferred not to write for the kabuki theater since the kabuki actors frequently departed from the texts to invent parts and aggrandize their own roles; however, Chūshingura was so successful that it was almost immediately adapted for the kabuki theater as well.